The Hero’s Journey of Manuel Camino

What is the best thing that I love about my work? I love the fact that other people can see or experience what I dreamed with or imagined. That’s magic.

What is my idea of perfect happiness? The older I get the more I believe that having silence and peace in your mind is the closest you can be to happiness. I prefer to call it joy though.

What is my greatest fear? The lack of health of those I love or myself. Rest it’s not so important.

What is the trait that I most deplore in myself? My attraction to unhealthy food and thoughts.

Which living persons in my profession do i most admire? There are too many to mention in many different creative areas. But in general the creatives I admire the most are those that are simply very happy doing what they do, and those which great talent and still very humble.

What is my greatest extravagance? A compulsive obsession with buying sneakers, but I am improving.

On what occasion would I lie? I used to lie a lot when I was a kid because life felt to me really boring. I loved to invent stories to make all more interesting.

What is the thing that I dislike the most in my work? The lack of excellence, the feeling that I could have done better in some areas. It’s quite hard to feel satisfied sometimes.

When and where was I the happiest, in my work? In terms of my commercial work, the happiest is those cases where the work turned out great without any personal drama. A project well executed, a client being happy and a team being engaged at the same time. In Singapore, 3 years ago I worked in this project called “The Media Jungle” that felt that way. In terms of personal or artist work, I enjoyed a piece made last year called “Okane”, here in Japan.

If I could, what would I change about myself? I would love to think less and being less hard with myself. I don’t enjoy being such a perfectionist.

What is my greatest achievement in work? I feel proud for all the battles I won, little or small. Being a creative is like solving a puzzle over and over. I am glad I solved so many of them.

Where would I most like to live? After living in 9 countries I realised that the “place” is not as important as the “how”. That said, I love Asia in general.

What is my most treasured possession? I would say my apartment in Spain, I miss it so much.

What is my most marked characteristic? Probably being quite an emotional person, for good and sometimes for bad.

What is my most inspirational location, in my city? Well, in the city I was born, in Las Palmas, as in the city I grew up, Malaga, the sea side is and will be the biggest source of inspiration.

What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in my city? In Las Palmas I love the area of Las Canteras, in Malaga I love the Centro, or Center.

What books influenced my life and how? The Power of Now, from Eckart Tolle, is probably the most important for me.

Who are my favorite writers? Federico Garcia Lorca and Miguel de Cervantes.

You Only Die Once. What music would I listen on my last day? I would probably listen anything to chill me out and prepare me for the trip. Lorena Mackenet and Lisa Gerrard would be in that list for sure.

Who is my hero or heroine in fiction? I am a big fan of the mums of all the big heroes. They are the real deal.

Who are my heroes and heroines in real life? My mother and grandmother. They never had it easy, but they always found a way. They are my real inspiration and example.

Which movie would i recommend to see once in a lifetime? 
Baraka is simply essential.

What role plays art in my life and work? I spent a lot of time doing commercial work, advertising and design and art helps me to keep the balance in a personal and professional way.

Who is my greatest fan, sponsor, partner in crime? Once again my mother. She is an artist too, and she supports me in the ups and down, understanding the emotion and celebrating the good moments, even if we are really far from each other.

Whom would I like to work with in 2019? I would love to work with good, decent people, those are the best. If they are talented too, and we can learn from each other, that would be awesome. I will be collaborating with Neil Ladkin, the Creative Director of Serif (Affinity Photo) shortly. Looking foward to it.

Which people in my profession would i love to meet in 2019? It would be amazing working for companies like Psyop, I am a big fan of their work. It would be amazing meeting their team. One day I would love to work for ILM, before I die!

What project, in 2019, am I looking forward to work on? I was just awarded with a project to do a huge illustration for a Japanese company and I am quite excited about it. I would love to do more Art Direction for animation work soon.

Where can you see me or my work in 2019? Feel free to check and you will be able to see both my work in advertising under or my work as visual artist at

What do the words “Passion Never Retires” mean to me? Well, I am not sure if Passion Retires of not for a lot of people, but for me it’s what keeps me going and doesn’t go away with age, but in fact is growing even more.

Which creative heroes should Peter invite to tell their story? Would love to read the story of Todd Mueller and Kylie Matulick, both directors at Psyop.

How can you contact me? You can send me an email to, follow me on instagram at @camino.manuel and @xebius_art or add me as contact at

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