The Hero’s Journey of Michael Chua

What is the best thing that I love about my work?

I am a screenwriter, producer, director, actor and Cybersecurity specialist, based in Singapore.

As a screenwriter, producer and director, I get to see my creativity, visions and imagination come to live; and as an actor, I get to live sincerely in many lives under imaginary circumstances.

Now, I am putting everything together by producing a feature-length financial action thriller based on my 30-odd years of experience as a Cybersecurity consultant for banks, governments and tech companies in Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia.


What is my idea of perfect happiness?

When I can continuously live in a creative and expressive environment; and make a positive difference to other people’s lives.

What is my greatest fear?

I won’t call that ‘fear’, but I would be very sad if I lose the people that I love dearly.

What is the trait that I most deplore in myself?

Sorry, this sound arrogant and self-contented, but I don’t really deplore anything about myself. If I have to say something about this, then it is probably my low tolerance for people who have a very low attention span in listening.

Which living persons in my profession do i most admire?

The Hollywood actor Anthony Hopkins. He fleshes out his characters so well that they make emotional connections with the audiences instantly. I have not been in the same production as he has been, but I heard he prefers to practise and rehearse on his own and comes out with excellent delivery on camera.

What is my greatest extravagance?

To be walking down the red carpet in movie galas and film festivals. Thousands of hours have been put in by the organisers and millions of dollars are spent to make such extravagance possible. I am eternally grateful to all those that work behind-the-scenes to make such events possible.

On what occasion would I lie?

When I am asked a question that is none of anybody else’s business, but mine.

What is the thing that I dislike the most in my work?

As an actor, it is having to wait for my turn to act during the wee hours of the morning when I am tired and sleepy.

When and where was I the happiest, in my work?

When strangers I meet on the street tell me that they are inspired by the films that I acted in.

If I could, what would I change about myself?

I do not have something that I particularly want to change about myself, but I wish to have more time to spend in silent contemplation alone.

What is my greatest achievement in work?

The film Gift, written and directed by Daniel Yam, where I played the main role as a very charitable and kind, but misunderstood father. This film went viral on the Internet to an estimated 30 million hits to date and got pirated out of control. There were also many volunteers that translated the subtitles into their native languages. Besides its popularity, the film also won several awards in international film festivals. See

Where would I most like to live?

Where I am living now in Singapore, because it is clean, green, beautiful and orderly with a very honest population.

What is my most treasured possession?

My life. Does that count? I hope so. I think the most important thing to me now is to be alive and healthy in this body and incarnation, so that I can be creative and be immersed in many varied and inspiring-exciting experiences.

What is my most marked characteristic?

My friends say that it is my focus, determination and discipline, but I think there is a lot of room for improvement.

What is my most inspirational location, in my city?

Marina Bay in Singapore. I saw it transformed from nothing as a seafront to a beautiful reclaimed land with a futuristic skyline. It tells me that everything starts with an idea, an inspiration and a thought. The seed of thought will manifest when we believe in it and act on it.

What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in my city?

There is no single favourite place, but a collective place of coffeeshops in the Singapore heartlands. I like eating in such places because they are unpretentious, non-judgmental and casual; and the food and drinks are delicious and cheap.


What books influenced my life and how?

“Future Shock” (1970) by Alvin Toffler. It is about the world going through major transformations from the Industrial Age to post-Industrial age; and with it the range of technological, social and political changes that will come about. I was 16 when I read the book and when I turned 23 years old, I took to working and travelling all over the world to experience the changes in varied cultures, political regimes and geographies, just like the author did. I think I have turned out to be a lot more worldly-wise as a result.

Who are my favourite writers?

Alvin Toffler, Buckminster Fuller and Peter Drucker.

You Only Die Once. What music would I listen on my last day?

“The Power” by The Snap. See

Who is my hero or heroine in fiction?

Popeye The Sailor Man, because he is always going through great lengths and difficulties to rescue Olive.

Who are my heroes and heroines in real life?

Buddha. He gave up a life of power and opulent material indulgence to discover his True Nature and as a result had inspired millions of people around the world to walk their paths of love and compassion towards their own True Nature.

Which movie would i recommend seeing once in a lifetime?

The Sound of Music. It is about love, music and the dare to take the leap out of one’s comfort zone.

What role does art plays art in my life and work?

As a screenwriter, director and actor, I have learned to look at what I do, experience and observe in broader perspectives. That there are different paths that people lead and different ways that they express themselves. That in a team, it is important to allow voices and opinions to be expressed and harmonised towards a common direction.

Who is my greatest fan, sponsor, partner in crime?

A 12-year-old boy from Brazil. He discovered my films online and has been my most ardent supporter since. I do not have a sponsor and a partner in crime now.

Whom would I like to work with in 2019?

The Hollywood actor Anthony Hopkins.

Which people in my profession would I love to meet in 2019?

Successful and inspiring screenwriters, producers and directors.

What project, in 2019, am I looking forward to work on?

I am currently finalising a financial action thriller script in an international setting. I am looking forward to seeing it made into a movie.

Where can you see me or my work in 2019?

I have a YouTube playlist of some of my work at

They are mostly short films, as the feature length film producers tend to be more protective of their copyrights.

What do the words “Passion Never Retires” mean to me?

Passion is a continuous flow of energy. It is a flow that continues as long as I am alive.

Which creative heroes should Peter invite to tell their story?

Someone who has told a story that has positive impacts on the lives of millions of viewers.

How can you contact me?

You can contact me via my blog at or on Instagram at MichaelChuaActor.

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